I have a .22 barrel blank laying around that I got in a horse trade a long time ago which cost me virtually nothing. I could profile it and thread it in my lathe and fit it up to a 99 action for $0. Biggest (and only) expense would be the cost of a .225 reamer, and the rental of same for a couple days is pretty cheap. Rotors and cartridge guides I have- I bet one of them would work. If I wanted to create a unique 99 I could do it for the cost of a brick of .22 long rifle ammo and a few hours of time.

A non-Tinkerbelle without tools and skills might blanche at the cost of having it done, and pale at the thought of doing it in the first place. But as long as no 99's were harmed in the making of this film I don't see why not. Stuff like this is done completely without regard to resale value- who cares? I have a king's ransom tied up in my "collection" but recouping the money for my estate would be impossible because of some of the bast*rds that make up said collection- but I don't care, they give me pleasure now while I'm alive and when I'm dead I won't care because, well, I'll be dead (with no heirs to consider).

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty