I did not enjoy the video. I saw some things in Vietnam that resembled that, but not done by our guys. I feel a great sadness.

All that said, if it was a Muslim gunning down Americans the press would treat it differently. i.e. the California shootings a couple years back.
The press would start to look for the reasons why it occurred. They will not in this case.

If you study history you will find this religion comes with different names. A few hundred years ago they were called the "Moors", and almost
completely conquered Europe and Asia until they were defeated. Prior to that they captured the Holy Land and many wars were fought over
that. They have murdered millions of people over the centuries, but so have the Communists, Nazis, and even Western religions.
There is evil everywhere.

I would suppose that most of those people in that Mosque were completely innocent. I don't think that all Muslims are murderers and that
certainly is not how a civilized people deal with problems.

Becoming them is not the answer.