Originally Posted by OldGrayWolf
Guy saw a lot of stuff that hit him deep, and let it get him to where he HAD to do something about it. So he did what he knew to do. Flash in the pan with unintended consequences, no doubt. But after 122 moslem acts of violence in just thirty days, I would suggest we not get our panties in a wad over some fella waxing a mere 50 moslems. There is a war on, and lots of folks don’t even realize they are in it, yet. Every now and then a guy wakes up, and strikes a blow for our side. Having a hard time givin a [bleep] about the moslems, after we have taken so many casualties from them already. As far as killing children, we got plenty of that under our belt, too, so let’s not get all self-righteous now. The Israelis do it a LOT more, and we send them billions a year. 38 billion just this year already.

Quite a few Americans jumped up to slot moslems right after 9/11, went off to do it, some for years, and for admittedly murky causes. We call them heroes. Because the government wanted it. This guy freelanced. Bad move. Governments hate it when you bust their monopoly on force.

This sums things up pretty well. Like it or not, once in a while someone is going to fight back. I still can’t understand the lack of comparable outrage over the atrocities committed by Muslims. One white guy lashes out and the whole world falls apart. Similar acts by a Muslim seem to get nothing more than a shrug of the shoulders. crazy