Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
Well here is something to consider Males as a whole tend to be cheaper medically speaking.

You can argue this all day long and tell me how you had a male that had all kinds of health problems. But speaking to more than few very good veterinarians that are well educated on bird dogs and a mix of my own experience have shown it to be true.

As far as smarts goes that is very very debatable. Looking back at some of the greatest Field Trials dogs the majority are males.

Preferring one over the other to me is a personal thing and nothing more. I have owned both. I don't have a preference really. I have had pick of the litter twice and I didn't make the pick, the puppy picked me both times. I figure its a pure luck of the draw anyways as there is no way to tell as puppies what their potential will be. So Play with them and the one that locks onto you is the one I pick every time.

I agree with all this. I like to own the litters though. Selling top end Springers (my current preferred breed) for $1,000 a $1,200 a pup can defray a lot of med costs. Of course, if things go bad with a pregnant bitch, things can get dicey as well, so, you takes your chances.

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated." Thomas Paine