I have no issue going to REI to try products on and then go online and buy them else wear. I admittedly still shop there, but it's a last choice. North Face, ArcTeryx, Marmot, etc can be bought from various online vendors. If a company wants to make a political statement, so be it. I try to make mine where I can too, just not so much with my voice, more so my wallet. New Nike products are banned in my house, no Levi's, avoid REI, never Dick's, no more Yeti...

As for Starbucks, I think the message was they don't want their stores to be the location of open carry appreciation rallies. I respect that. I've been in countless Starbucks in the Denver metro area. I have yet to see a sign prohibiting any sort of carry (ever) and have occasionally seen open carry in their stores.