Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
It does matter what the cattle are fed.

Generally speaking....I find there to be a big difference between the fat on a grass fat and grain fat beef.

The grass fat animal normally has a stronger flavor....some people describe it as gamey. I personally can find not a single thing wrong with some of the grass fat animals that I have raised. I like the strong beef flavor.

There is grass fat and then there is grass FAT! The quality, and quantity of the grass makes a huge difference.

The beef you eat in Montana is probably grain fat unless otherwise specified. A great deal of that beef is barley finished.

The fat of these animals all tastes different.

Also, generally speaking....the least amount of time an animal will hang after killing is a week to ten days.

Two weeks is average at a locker plant. Three weeks is better yet.

Very little beef is consumed truly "fresh".

My guess would be that you are eating animals that have been fed/grazed vastly different finishing rations. The freshness of both animals was probably pretty similar.

Thanks, Jim, I learned something new today. I'll have to ask the butcher if he knows more about the feed and finishing (I suspect I'll get an earful).

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