Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Why wouldn’t the FOTPT doctrine apply to the obstruction of justice accusations? If the democraps made up the collusion allegations, which we now know they did, why wouldn’t that doctrine apply in full force? How can one obstruct “justice” when that justice is based upon lies and false allegations? Why aren’t the dirtbags that proffered those lies in the fake dossier being investigated and charged with obstruction? They did more to obstruct justice and tied the hands of at least 2 branches of government for 2 years while this investigation into unadulterated bullshit took place. Every swinging dick that clogged the airways with their lies should face charges of putting public false allegations and outright lies.....then hung until they’re dead.

You need to get a radio program.....I’d rather listen to you than Hannity! memtb

You should not use a rifle that will kill an animal when everything goes right; you should use one that will do the job when everything goes wrong." -Bob Hagel

“I’d like to be a good rifleman…..but, I prefer to be a good hunter”! memtb 2024