Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Thanks for the well reasoned responses guys! It just seems to me that it’s impossible to obstruct the investigation of a crime that didn’t exist because the KNOWN evidence that was used as the basis for the investigation was KNOWN to be a lie, the allegation of a crime that was wholly and completely fabricated. The fabrication of the lie about a false crime IS in and of itself a crime but we don’t hear much about that. If Mueller was looking through everyone’s bank accounts and social media posts why didn’t he look into the Clinton Foundation? It also seems that it’s impossible to obstruct justice when justice is not being administered. Obstruction has always been a wide net that’s cast when no other charge/s can be levied. It’s a bullshit charge at all levels because it’s used as a catch-all when no crime has been committed. It’s an emotionally based charge in all levels of LE. I’ve seen it used against people when they’re only mistake was being in the wrong place at the wrong time or a well placed insult that bruised an ego was really their only “crime”.

Happy Easter to everyone except Remsen. 😁

Happy Passover Remsen. 👍

Thanks, Aces, and a happy Easter to you (and everyone else who is of the faith).

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.