It depends..... when I find them in Wisconsin... And I see a lot of them.

If I see one, and it is strapped to the tree and nothing is disturbed... I'm cool with it.... I leave it alone...

If I see one over a bear bait, I leave it alone. Baiting bear is legal… I'm cool with that.

But, If on Public land, if I find some AZZBAG has one screwed to a tree... with shooting lanes cut and tree branches cut for a stand tree and the like... I take out the SD card and batteries and cut the strap or tie a knot in the strap so tight that he has to cut the strap.

If I find one over a bait pile on public land, (It's illegal to bait here) I take the SD card, batteries and I may smash the camera on the tree.

The new ones are so cool.... they have cell phone connections to them. so the owner will get a picture of me on his phone when I find his camera. .. .

I never see them in the elk woods when I am out west....

Last edited by mikieb; 05/10/19. Reason: poor spelling from a public school education

Well... we have come to the point.... where... the parasites are killing the host. It's only a matter of time now.

They only win.... when they cheat.