Looking for recommendations of best way to remove existing gun finish. Let me explain:
I recently obtained a Win M70 which I would like to do some reshaping of the existing stock. The gun was restocked by someone in its previous life and although the stock is in great condition its shape in the forearm, pistol grip and cheek piece could use some modifications to improve its feel and look. Let me add that it is not checkered, so that aids in reshaping the forearm and grip.

The question is removing the old stock finish in such a way to make the new shaped areas and areas that are not being reshaped, blend together in color as much as possible? I imagine we are talking chemical stripping and in that regard products that others have used with success or issues would be of interest. I would like to avoid sanding the areas that will not get reshaped, as much as possible.

If you have some thoughts on the subject then I would like to hear them.

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