Never been much of a fan of the Browning rifles for whatever reasons but one experience especially soured me on them...

Hunting in Africa I was paired up with another guy from this site. Great guy and we had a great time hunting together . His primary rifle was a Browning and we were out riding around in the back seat of the bakkie one day and a couple hares stopped in the road ahead of us, so the guide stopped the truck so we could get some shooting in. My partner leaned over the roll bar with his rifle and took a shot and yelped a bit. I looked over and when his .338 rifle recoiled the trigger guard came up against the rear bar of the roll cage and sheared off the trigger guard and trigger flush with the stock - with his finger still in the trigger guard. Not only was his rifle shot for the trip but his trigger finger was bleeding profusely all over him, the truck, the rifle, and killed his hunt for the day. All those pieces were just cheap pot metal. A decent steel trigger guard may have bent a bit but would have survived the ride. Lucky he had a back 30-06 along in a Winchester Model 70 to finish the trip with.... but he killed the heck out of that hare..... wink


Never underestimate your ability to overestimate your ability.