I understand where the parents are coming from. We free range a few chickens and are concerned something will have them for dinner. I've shot 5 coyotes from the porch or back yard in the last month, more than I normally shoot in a couple of years from the same place. And that does not count the coyotes I've seen but were unable to shoot for various reasons.

I'm sure some of those that got away ended up being shot later on but the fact new coyotes fill in so quickly surprises me. I don't know if I am being more vigilant looking for coyotes but I don't recall ever seeing as many during daylight as this year. I can't speak to the night hours as I did not have a decent spotlight and could not readily identify a coyote from a deer. I now have a 2 million candlepower light and it seems half the "eyes" glowing back are something other than a deer.