RickyD: I have been noticing this phenomenon a lot lately myself - and agree with you the vast majority of mixed couples on these advertisements and commercials are black males with white females!
So be it - if they are "in love" and want to carry on as such so be it.
I have NO idea what message the advertisers are "subliminally" trying to sell/relay/exploit - again, so be it.
But the one that really puzzled me is the two strangers (black male with an odd afro and a very clean cut white girl) sitting at some store counter when the white girl notices the negro has no battery power on his I-phone and she immediately lays down her white I-phone and he lays down his black I-phone on top of the white one.
Not very subliminal this!
Again I can only guess at the meaning/inference/objective of these type commercials/advertisements - I do KNOW how they effect my spending of my dollars though. And said advertisers probably would not be happy with me and my decisions?
Hold into the wind