Originally Posted by Barkoff
Originally Posted by Quick_Karl
Originally Posted by Barkoff
Well, maybe I’m a bit more oversensitive to it than somebody up in Washington. I see the Mexican flag on porches, hanging over car dealerships, across the hoods of cars, and I’m just sick of seeing those who had to leave their failed country, come here and celebrate the country that failed them, while having zero appreciation for the country that has taken them in and given them low wage jobs cleaning our toilets, cooking our food, and being treated like they are beneath us while our retarded fat buzz-cut redneck sons get jobs they could never do without those ungrateful Mexicans doing it for him. This kid should be appreciative of where he is. I don’t mind him being proud of his heritage, but when he chooses to plant his arse in front of the Mexican flag, and make no mention of bringing the title back to America..well like I said, until you live in the middle of that schitt day in and day out, walk a mile in my shoes before labeling me racist, when in reality you have no idea how many Mexicans I call friend. Hell, my granddaughter is half Mexican, and her father is a good young man.

Fixed it for you - no need to thank me Mr. Aryan Brotherhood!

So wait, YOU just added racist schitt, (that never crossed my mind) to my post then accuse me of being a racist? Yep, your a leftard alright.

If your argument is that lots of Mexican Americans fly the Mexican flag on their porches just because they are ungrateful scum, the only person you are fooling is yourself and your mommy.

Like Sam Houston, I will vote for what is best for ME in 2020.
Texans read their Bibles to find what they want it to say, and are blind to what it actually says...