Originally Posted by michiganroadkill
I buy them from Edge Pro.
It is more important to me to have good and repeatable quality than to find cheap replacements.
I keep them clean using a mild soap in water and a toothbrush.
I keep them wet in use with the same soap and water.

I will occasionally re flatten them on a 4x36 belt sander to take out the dishing.

Congress Tool Moldmaster stones far surpass the Edge Pro supplied stones and cost less as a bonus. Atoma diamond plates are cut to fit the Edge Pro by chefknivestogo and are the best for cutting the more challenging steels like S110V or 10V, but they are expensive. The Atoma 140 is the most amazing and useful stone I have tried. It will produce a hair popping edge. The moldmaster 80 grit is soft but low cost, just a few dollars. So I buy a stack and replace them when they are dished. For a man making knives out of M4, the Atomas are worth the cost.

