I love PC boolets.

Thanks for the useful info. Been slowly working to get me some made. Though, I have no interest or time to cast boolets.

Went to an estate auction a few years back. Bought a sealed, plastic tote. Opened it and found 3000 Hornady .429 240 gr SWC.

Bought a 3 at sauce pan at Goodwill, filled with water and boiled on outside burner. Added 100 bullets and boiled for 10 minutes. Turned off burner and skimmed lubes from water.

Bullets look completely clean. Now, I need some powder.

Have an old toaster oven, that works. Picked up a fine mesh wire rack at Dollar store.

I hope this works.

Bought my first PC bullets from Eggleston. They were awesome. Eggleston was bought out and shut down.

Just got a batch from snscasting. Great service, price and quality.