Originally Posted by elkhuntinguide
Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
Originally Posted by elkhuntinguide
No, no and no....

There isn't much that is going to touch the Rex 121 @70RC, so it's not anything that special. So that only leaves the cool factor. So I'll guess A2

And that would be another wrong guess... nobody said it was anything special... it’s just a different type of steel that I’m trying, to see how much abuse it can take... Plain and simple... Anyone who claims that a Havalon is as close to a “Unicorn” knife as possible ain’t all that special either... Unless we’re talking Hockey helmet , crayon eating short bus special of course... I’ll see how the steel holds up... if it’s amazing I’ll let those that need to know, know... if it’s shïtt those that need to know will be told as well...

Haha............ You are funny. I personally don't care what steel it is. Gene isn't exactly on the cutting edge of working with new steels. Anyone that knows knives also knows what steels are out there. But tickle yourself to death with your "Top Secret" Steel. I am really sorry taking apart an animal and the Havalon baffles you! Keep your Hockey Helmet on and try coloring inside the lines with your crayons instead of eating them.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.