I recently traveled in Canada for three weeks. It was mostly in the western part of the country and I will say it is absolutely beautiful.

While traveling I avoided politics and only responded if the subject was brought up to me. When asked about my views I played the neutral card in hopes to hear others opinions. The majority of the people that asked me about US politics were first generation immigrants to Canada. Small business owners, hotel workers, gas station owners, etc.

I would say that a bit over 50% of the people had a somewhat positive view of Trump. Those that didn't like him were unhappy with the tariffs and foreign policies but suggested that it was in America's best interest. When I asked the haters what they would like him to do to make thinks better, they overwhelmingly said "Trade him with Tredeau!"

Many of the folks that came from places such as Korea said that if the US fails, the world fails and Trump is on the right path. They want America strong at any cost. A comment was made that a weak person can't pick up and protect another weak person and the same can be said for a weak country. They want the USA strong to keep their heads above water.

The entire world might not like our policies but they are sure glad that we have them.

I obviously ran into other views but the hate for Trump was nothing like we see on the news.

Keep up the good fight.

Do not feed the bear!

White Bear sometimes treads on thin ice...