Thanks for the reply and food for thought sir - it sounds like a grand plan indeed!

As an admitted serious student of history, I've come to believe that much of the issue facing our current generation of Canadians is that far too many have absolutely no idea how it is we came to live in such extravagant wealth.

When I was a kid in the '60's, families didn't have multiple vehicles, TV's, phones and even for us gun oriented folks - guns. Our disposable income was way, way less than it is today - despite the complaining of so many regarding housing costs, though I'll admit they're ridiculous especially here in BC.

We got here - in my view - in the main with resource, food, energy and to a lesser degree manufacturing exports.

The current popular view seems to be stopping all manner of extracting resources, curtailing food production, a distinct lack of forethought on energy production and a steadily increasing strangling by regulation for manufacturing.

Somehow they believe that we'll support our way of life by being "influencers" on youtube or something similar... which is of course utter madness.

There has been enough of a slow down in the economy in Saskatchewan and Alberta energy/oil sector that they realize something has to change, but here in BC the political power center - Greater Vancouver - has yet to realize that we are importing jet fuel to keep the YVR - Vancouver International Airport functioning. There's a pipeline coming in from Washington State doing that.

Anyway sir, I could go on for quite some time on this subject, but essentially it's that folks are either intentionally or accidentally uninformed and don't question what the mainstream media is feeding them.

That all said, the much welcome rain has ceased I see, so I'll be loading a pair of European branded chainsaws into the back of a diesel pickup and heading up the mountain behind the house with our eldest daughter along for company and hopefully returning with a load of Douglas Fir to heat the place this winter.

Some of the more green up here don't like me doing any of that - 2 stroke chainsaws, diesel pickups, burning wood for heat - all gives them the vapors. That said, of course when questioned as to exactly how they'd like me to heat our place efficiently with electricity they're suddenly silent..... wink laugh

All the best to you folks this Sunday sir.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"