Originally Posted by Azshooter
There are some advantages of that "dry" heat. You can wear a wet hat or bandanna or if you want more a wet shirt and get cooled off. If you use a clothes line and hang out the sheets first by the time you are done hanging things up the sheets will be dry. Sitting in the shade even when 100 degrees isn't bad.

What sucks is getting into a car when it is 105 or more outside. Or making the mistake of setting a few wrenches in the sun while you work. Car engines hate sitting in traffic when it is that hot as the asphalt can be 160 plus.

It was 107 two days ago, hottest yet this year for Tucson, but humidity was 8-10%. Monsoon will be raining on us soon. S. Az has gotten several storms already.

for whatever reason it was 109 at Safford on the same day. I thought Safford would have been cooler

Originally Posted by jorgeI
...Actually Sycamore, you are sort of right....