Find the closest manufacturer of steel roofs. Take him the measurements of your roof and he will custom build your entire roof including all endcaps, centercaps, screws, etc, and he will supply firring strips if you decide to go that way. My guy offers two weights of steel. He recommends the lighter weight for roofs, and the heavier for unsupported walls. I put the heavier weight on my roof for added hail resistance.

It is a couple day job for a couple of guys to install the entire roof. Absolutely NO skilled labor involved. If you can climb the ladder and get on the roof, and are smart enough to not walk off the edge, you can install a steel roof.

One warning, do not attempt to work on steel when it is wet. It gets slicker than snot. Especially with a skiff of snow on top.

Around here, we deal with "Treasure Valley Steel". I bet you have a similar manufacturer in your area. Fire up the old google-fu.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.