Oh I had a LOVELY day yesterday. Got my right breast poked and probed....got sample taken...get the
"word" tomorrow although we all know what the answer is gonna be: yeppers I am the winner of the one in a million breast cancer patients who is male. Radiologist says 80-97% malignant. Wow what odds!
Hopefully I will get answers to all my questions next week. Longest test takes about a week...test of what hormones are in play...determines whether I get cut or chemo first. Ain't life grand!
Let this be a lesson to all: it isn't just our women who can get breast cancer....men do also.....of course, I
never thought it could happen to me....just like YOU don't. I ignored the lump under the nipple for
awhile thinking it would go away.....and it didn't....talk to you woman and listen to how to check yourself.
Neither I nor you want to go through what I am about to embark on. Be aware.