I don't see a race war at for least another 50 or 60 years. Whites, for the most part, and despite what the leftist are selling, are not overly racist. The racial hatred you're seeing is driven by the left in order to divide people and weaken the resistance to socialism. Pure and simple.
But.... From what I've seen in news and from friends, there's a significant percentage of blacks who blame white racism for the problems of the black communities and despise white people because of it. Guys like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other race baiters drive this because they're getting rich off of it. No one says anything because if you do, it proves that you're racist.
What happens in 5 or 6 decades when black population overtakes the white is a question in my mind. If the percentage of racist blacks takes over, it might get nasty.
If and when the Bolsheviks get control of the government, I expect a violent settlement of the strife we're seeing. I thought that the commies would wait another few years for us patriotic free thinkers and rights clinging people (read dinosaurs) to die out and the demographics shift. They seem to be getting impatient, forcing socialism and government control down the population's throat.
I think there's still too many free thinking people for the shift to come peacefully.
Remember, these people hate us and our values, and our voices are a threat to their control. In order to succeed they feel they need to silence us.
I pray it's not so, but I evil will take over. The Bible says so.

"Preserving the Constitution, fighting off the nibblers and chippers, even nibblers and chippers with good intentions, was once regarded by conservatives as the first duty of the citizen. It still is." � Wesley Pruden