Originally Posted by Sitka deer
[quote=kid0917]I am partway through Russel Annabel's "the Way We Were, vol 5", really enjoying it. I can't help but notice some subtle similarities to Jim Rearden's writing style at times. These two somewhat overlapped in writing careers, didn't they?

Overlapped a bit, yes, but quite different.

Annabel was quite a bit of a wierdo in a lot of ways. Attributed a lot of mysticism to Native Alaskans in ways no one else seems to have... for one thing. If one is driving to Palmer these days and makes the turn at the Parks Highway exchange and heads up the first hill toward Palmer, Annabel lived right near the top of that hill on the north side. That was before the highway...

Later he got a place up the Parks by train at Goose Creek. That was of course before the Parks Highway was built.

Return to Toonaklut: The Russell Annabel Story by Jeff Davis is not a bad read... Editor should have done more for him...


Just started on this one Art.