It's my understanding it might be a little bit early on the buffalo. They (Govt) is busy sorting out the elephant thing first as that is the biggest problem/issue in terms of danger to its people and crops and political/ARA BS.

As a side note - there are currently several southern African countries saying that if the ban on elephant ivory and rhino horn LEGAL export is not lifted, they will pull out of CITES completely. They are sick and tired of "foreigners" telling them how to best manage their animals and affairs.

Wish I could find that MEME of a dozen or so "native" Africans sitting around a campfire discussing the best way to regulate American white tail hunting. (LOL)

For the most up to date info on possible buffalo, contact Gerhard. There are no buffalo in the Tuli. They are pretty much relegated to the Okavango Delta on the other side of the country. I know he has hunted buffalo and elephant there in the past. If he can't take you once it does open, I can pretty much promise he'll hook you up with a reputable PH/Outfitter in that area.

If you PM your email, I'll send your a few pics.