Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
Let the grocery stores run empty for a week in any major city or cities and then get back to me Paul.

Originally Posted by mtnsnake
Shut off the power for a week then come and talk.

My first thoughts.
White people, along with Mexicans, produce the food.
Run the distribution of the food.
Mine the coal (gasp),
Drill the oil and gas,
Run the powerplants,
and dristribut the gas and liquid energy.

And all of this starts rural.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

This just shows the disconnect theses cosatal/big urbane rich people experience.
I bet he has never produced a cherry tomato, food is just in stores.
Rural people come in two types to them,

Rich people that have a "cabin in the mountains" (10,000sf) or a "ranch".
Knuckle dragging mouthbreathers who wear knee high rubberboots,
and breed their cousins.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!