Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by JoeBob
He is absolutely right. It is a matter of demographics. It is inevitable as long as the country remains in its current form. Which is why I wonder why so many of you automatically reject the idea of Balkanization of the country. The ONLY way our kids and grandkids are going to enjoy anything similar to the life that we have taken for granted is country is broken up into smaller bits and people segregate themselves into the different parts.But everything you hold dear from the 2nd Amendment, to the electoral college, to just being able to live your life the way you want to in the most basic ways, is going to succumb to this massive wave of non-American immigration overtaking our cities.
I agree. This country doesn't belong together any more. Rural northern California right now wants to break away from urban California when what they really need is to break away with the other western states into a separate country. I wish Louisiana and Texas along with several of our contiguous states would seperate. This country, the USA has become an unhappy marriage and divorce seems the only answer. We could still be friends and trade with other sections but being governed by them is unpalatable to say the least.

All you need to know about who is a “fascist” and who isn’t, can be answered by folks’ answer to that question. The right would be perfectly happy to split amicably with the left. The left, OTOH, would rather “impose their will” on half the people of this country. Only selfish people would want to stay in a marriage like this...