Using thermals for predator control over the last couple of years, I’ve noticed some things with both deer and coyotes. A white light they’re used to (cars, street lights, etc) is something they might observe warily, but it doesn’t frighten them unless the car turns at them down a drive or such. Any ‘new’ light, regardless of color, is noticed immediately, though it doesn’t seem to immediately make deer flee, though the whit3 makes them more nervous right away. I think the coyotes see the red/green some, too....they just act uncertain/indecisive about it. White light puts a coyote in high gear. So, yes, they seem to see it all. Like daytime, they’re also ‘used’ to certain things. No, a new light doesn’t always immediately spook them, but they notice it and watch it, for sure. Deer act different at night, period. They feel completely safe with about a 100-150yard buffer, as opposed to they see you they’re gone, in daytime, regardless of range. I just move around them and try not to interrupt what they do, while trying to get angles on coyotes.....which WILL see your movement up to 200, especially if you’re moon shadowed. FWIW, I carry a good, bright white headlamp that has a low power red or green LED.