Like Tzone none I would call "stars" but they did appear in movies. Tzone and I might even know a couple in common. One I worked with in high school and college before I left that company. Years later she ended up at the place I was then working where she married one of my coworker's. He/we discovered her secondary occupation when the Internet became available and her name was searched by our employer searching for info on employee pasts. That did not go well for either of them.

Strippers and dancers I've known many. When Solid Gold opened up in Minneapolis, it seemed every good looking waitress in the bars I hung out in left and ended up there. The brother of a former girlfriend dated one of the dancers in high school and when they reconnected there I met a lot of the girls through them. One of the managers was dating a friend so I met a few more. Two buddies married strippers, the one went from wild to church lady while the other went wilder. Both gals are still pretty attractive but are weirder than a convention of cat ladies.

Did a snowmobile poker run and one of the stops was a strip joint. The dancer when we arrived was the daughter of a buddy who could not make the trip. That was uncomfortable.

My mom babysat the Dahm triplets for a little while, they looked a little different in Playboy than when I changed their diapers.

There are probably dozens here who could make similar claims if they only knew. The Internet has made finding out such information easier for anyone who wants to know. In the old days one either had no clue or only suspicions.