Originally Posted by Sharpsman
There's plenty of agricultural land out there that can be used so all you guys that think farmers are getting wealthy.....all you gotta do is get up off your dead arses and grab you some of it! So until that time....you fellows just keep driving your little slick cars with smooth tires and leave the job of feeding the country to the REAL MEN!!

Easy there, partner. I come from a whole family of these “real men” and have been one myself. Coffee shops all over the country fill up with us every morning, while folks with smooth tires are on their way to a job. Or on their way home from one. Done a lot of hunting while farming, had time to do it. Holidays with the family because I could. Cut wood for the stove or caught fish when the time was right, and a lot of other benefits. Now, when there is work that has to get done, like planting, harvesting, spraying, etc., you work to get it done, long hours as necessary. Equipment breaks down, crops fail, etc. But when we lose, most times there is crop insurance, and when we win, we make a haul. It ain’t all bad. It ain’t all good, either, but farmers ain’t always broke or worn to a frazzle, we just let everyone think that. Cuts down on competition.😁