Any type of Non-vented petroleum heaters are asking for trouble.

They are dangerous, and should be outlawed.

Even with a “blue” flame, they can be burning inefficient, and putting out dangerous amounts of Carbon Monoxide.

The CO detectors in stores are all junk. You need a “good” LOW LEVEL CO detector to alert you before it gets to a dangerous level.

Low level CO has been attributed to SID (sudden infant death) syndrome, Parkinson Disease and can bring on a heart attach in the elderly.

Non-vented heaters or gas logs can get bumped, knocked around in transport, and move the burner / flame away from where it was located when built, and start producing high level CO, “even with a BLUE FLAME".

The old in-wall natural gas heaters they use to put in bathrooms / homes would put out around 65 PPM CO.

Fire departments will vacate a building, and ventilate it once it hits 35 PPM CO, so let that sink in for a second while you think about the old in-wall heaters putting out 65 PPM CO or any other type of propane heater attachments or kerosene that claim they are safe, THEY'RE NOT.

They are DEATH waiting to find another victim.

Gas ovens can be just as bad.

Sears, a long time ago, used to offer CO testing for their ovens. They “stopped” when they discovered their ovens were emitting dangerous levels of CO instead of doing the right thing and recalling them.

Ladies would stand over them cooking dinner, and when it came time to eat, mom wouldn’t be hungry or might have a slight headache. Gee, I wonder why, after standing and breathing dangerous levels of CO for an extended period while cooking dinner.

What about the baby she might be holding on her hip while cooking dinner?

Last edited by ElkSlayer91; 10/11/19.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)