Originally Posted by achadwick

So what is a “good” CO monitor? Would you give us a link?



Read the very informative information at both links to "educate" yourselves on the UL-2034 junk sold through the box stores.

Example of the JUNK First Alert CO detector, UL_2034
Notice the UL-2034 on the back label?

Video on the top linked NCI 3000 Low Level Co detector.

The National Fire Groups fought to have the levels “high” for UL-2034 detectors(box store detectors:First Alert, Kiddie, et. al), because if they did not, Fire Departments would be running so many calls, it would overwhelm them, and they couldn’t get to fires…even though CO can kill.

Government wins again, placing people’s lives secondary.

Last edited by ElkSlayer91; 10/13/19.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)