I have been saying, for two months, that the reason that Biden remains high in the polls is he is the only middle of the road candidate.
Iowa and New Hampshire are all-white. You got a bunch of, in many cases, wealthy lib nutcakes in those two states and they are liable to vote in a socialist. Elizabeth Warren is now leading in both states.
However the third primary is the crucial state of South Carolina. And half or more of the voters are black.
I know the rural working class Southern black, I worked with them 14 years as a paramedic in central Georgia.

They are politically liberal but socially conservative. They go to church every Sunday. They don't go for this gay marriage, they think homosexuality is a sin. They don't want a trans gender 15 year old boy, to walk in to the girl's locker room, and see their little 16 year old daughter naked.

The rural blacks don't want to lose their good job-sponsored health care, in favor of "free" government health care. Both Bernie and Warren said, at the last debate, that they will eliminate private health insurance.

So I have been saying for 2 months, Don't count Biden out. And lo and behold I listened to Morning Joe for 20 minutes this morning, on the Sirius, they had 3 of the biggest Libs in the world on the show and they said the exact same thing. Warren and Bernie cannot carry states like South Carolina.

And I have been saying on here for 3 months, don't count out the Vile Harridan, until you see someone drive a wooden stake through her vile heart. Look at the witch, she has been all over the tv last 7 days promoting her book, talking about how Trump cheated her in 2016.
She is running!

She loves all the chaos in the party today, she is waiting in the wings, and, at the convention if this chaos still reigns, she will "reluctantly" accept the nomination "for the good of the party."

Good God did I enjoy that night in November 2016, listening on the Sirius on MSLSD, as Chris Matthews and that smirking Dyke with the short brown hair, crying and weeping as President Trump annihilated the Vile Harridan.