Originally Posted by gunzo
I once worked at a Toyota plant & they had a large cafeteria that offered a lot of Japanese dishes.

One I enjoyed was a spicy beef stew poured over a bed of white rice. I started making it at home starting with Dinty, adding sauteed onions, garlic & mushrooms with Franks Red Hot sauce. Not quite what I was after but wife loved it so I've made it for years.

Finally I backed off on the cooking time for the onions keeping them crunchy & more oriental style. Then it hit me, Franks, & other hot sauces work well for some things, some not so well.

Huy Fong Shricacha hit it out of the park. Just what it needed. I had yet to be introduced to this when I first started making the dish, but better late than never.

Jim mentions Cholula, which made me think of this, your taste may differ.

I have better than half a dozen hot sauces in the house. Each has its own specialty.

Cholula original on stew. The chipoltle version on spam and egg sandwiches.

Franks on eggs and hashbrowns. Sriracha on anything remotely resembling an Asian dish......and chicken strips.

Crystal on cajun. So forth and so on......

Its taken years of hard work to figure it all out!

I am MAGA.