Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Ejp1234
Hard data produced by Trumps ran govt


Right wing media

Hhmmmm reality versus what you want to hear...

I want more income, I love money.... but I also dont like being a brainless moron that is led like a lemming.... think for yourself, the hard data is readily available on the websites of the government agencies that oversee the collection of it...

Right wing media. Hahaha. Now we know you're a nutjob.

If Trump ran the govt all your lying commie heros would be in GITMO.

PS. You can count to 5 if you use your thumb.

Hey Dinkus... heres some more facts... i know they are hard to swallow being as slow as you are...

Stephen Moore, who wrote that piece... he works for
Murdoch News Corporation...

Stop being steered/told whats right..... simply looking into something will inform you whats right.. being told what is right means your uninformed, which all of your regular outspoken posts more than prove. Any jackass with a mouse can copy and paste your stupid articles you post, it certainly doesnt make you an expert on the subject matter, obviously hahaha