Originally Posted by AB2506
I just had a guy in my office today who grew up in SE Afghanistan. Hell of a nice guy. Emigrated to Canada when he was 14. Has his own coffee shop. Nonpracticing Muslim. He's looking to go on a mentored hunt. He hunted as a youth in Afghanistan and wants to learn to hunt here in Alberta. He said Afghanistan is not a country as we know it, the boundaries were drawn by Europeans, but a collection of clanish tribes. They resist being told what to do. If they think you are wrong, you are their enemy.

Not all Afghanis are bad, but I agree with eliminating the Taliban.

Winner Winner, Chicken dinner!

The same goes for much of the Middle East as well. Old colonialist Yurrupeans created "countries" to suit their puposes, ignoring all that tribalism. When the armies are no longer around to hold things together, you get Afghanistans. A harsh dictator like Saddam, Tito, or Stalin can keep things in check too. Islam can't do it because it's just as divided as the tribes are, and they hate each other with great vigor. Dumbass Neocons and other Pollyannas apparently just don't get this, and think that if they can just bomb and bribe enough, it'll all come together. It won't, no matter how many purple thumbs they show on CNN.

What fresh Hell is this?