Originally Posted by Ward
I really don't care if I don't sell a used rifle or shotgun for a premium price as long as I can get something I want more at an equally good price in this soft market. On the other hand, if I sell a rifle or shotgun because I just don't want or need it anymore, I am converting an unused object into usable cash even if the price isn't great. I've only had five guns that had special meaning and I've given two away to younger relatives, sold one after a divorce and still have two. The rest are just tools.

Me too. I'm way past needing any more, but I like to experiment, tinker, and try out stuff. If I end up selling something at a loss after I've had my fun, it's just the cost of enjoying my hobby, and likely less than a day of golfing or a night on the town. Some end up sticking, either because they're compelling in their performance or because they strike some other chord in me.
Pretty cheap fun, when you actually do the math, at least at my budget level.

Just as with the concept of "good" furniture meant to be a lifetime investment, and some other changing consumer trends, "nice" guns aren't the current thing with younger or newer shooters. Bottom line is, don't expect to make a killing on your guns someday, unless you really spend big and hold on a long time.

What fresh Hell is this?