Its not so much that I support war but rather I believe in the very depths of my being that the terrorists are trying to or have succeeded in making weapons of all types in order to bring violence and death from the middle east to the United States.

I further believe that I would rather have my trained military do everything in its power (that is why we fund a military) to avert violence and death from happening to United States Citizens. If that means that the trained professional soldiers of the United States GO to ANOTHER COUNTRY to inflict violence and death THERE in order for violence and death not to happen HERE then I support that action.

I believe that Saddam Hussein has in the past and will (if given the opportunity) in the future supply weapons, logistics support, and intelligence to terrorist groups that wish to harm the United States. I also believe that given the opportunity Saddam Hussein would use those same devices himself.

I believe wholeheartedly that the United Nations is a farce. It has outlived its usefullnes as did the League of Nations and is totally irrelevant.

Yes, I support the concept of war with Iraq.