
Is Bush fighting a pre-emptive war? Yes, probably so.

However, for the authorization to do so in this case.

1. The U.N. authorized military action against Iraq in order to remove Iraqi troops from Kuwait AND to get rid of weapons of mass destruction (gads, I hate that term).

2. The Iraqi army was defeated and AGREED to a cease fire treaty.

3. The cease fire treaty says something to the effect of....

If you comply with stipulations A, B, C, D, E, and F, then we will discontinue the military action against your country. If however you at any time in the future do not abide by any of the aforementioned stipulations then we reserve the right to continue our military action to bring you into compliance with said stipulations.

ANY and I repeat ANY breech of ANY of the stipulations at ANY TIME allows for the continuance of military action to enforce compliance.

He was given 12 years to comply with the stipulations and failed to do so. He was given his 4 months plus 11 years and 8 months to comply. He did not.

How many ineffective resolutions that the U.N. should pronounce and the Iraqi leadership ignore is enough?
