You can't mess with somebody else's traps even if the situation is unpleasant. Suppose an anti-hunter spotted you in a tree stand with deer approaching. Something past unpleasant to him, should he spook the deer off?

Society has decided people are allowed to trap no matter how unpleasant a particular situation may be, gotta respect that. If it involves illegality or results in cruelty call a conservation officer.

So some 80 miles south of Fargo and haven't seen a fox in years. Used to have one living in a rock pile in a neighboring hay field. Mange about wiped them out. (Vet friend had farmers asking him about the mysterious pink foxes.) Would be nice to see a few around, some jacks too. Don't know why they disappeared.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.