Originally Posted by SeanD
Reading this thread it’s pretty obvious that lots of folks are happy with the tires they tried. But really it’s only because they haven’t run a good tire.

We have a Winner! Most folks don't put on enough miles on crappy roads to have even a clue what works and what doesn't. As a result, they don't get to try enough different tires to give an educated opinion or offer any value to the discussion. Even fewer will spend the $$ to have dedicated seasonal tires if they're on their own dime.

Honestly if you really want to know what's "best" a good idea would be to solicit information from folks who manage a fleet or drive fleet vehicles for a good fleet owner/provider/manager. People with a sales or service route through country that gets lots of crappy weather. Because they're not on their own dime, for the most part their only concern is getting the best tires for the job with pretty much 0% concern for what brand the tires are, only that they work well.

Last edited by horse1; 11/11/19.

I can walk on water.......................but I do stagger a bit on alcohol.