Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by nighthawk
By January you can land heavy aircraft on the lakes here if they aren't snowed up.

Sounds north of Eden to me, NH. wink

When the cold comes it doesn't relent 'til mid-March. But I'm chicken. There was the year I was on early ice with the Explorer behind me. The ice was 10 inches and crystal clear, just like you'd want in your drink. The ice was growing and when it does that it cracks and groans. A lot. Don't know how many times I turned expecting to see the Explorer slowly sink. After that I got got a good deal on an ATV. A friend of a friend drove it into a field approach one night (drunk) and not only had no money for repairs but needed cash to pay for his car insurance(!). But that's another story.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.