Originally Posted by flintlocke
Biggest problem I see here? Well meaning but ignorant people from everywhere but Southeastern, telling the people in Southeastern how to manage their homeland. That includes the [bleep] Sierra Club and US Forest Service especially. On the Pacific Coast, including the Cascades, Sierras, Coast range, together they have ruined forest, soil stabilization, fisheries, diverse plant and animal species, and done more damage with the catastrophic fuel loads than nature EVER did. An inconvenient statistical fact is, clearcutting in areas that receive upwards of 50 inches of rain annually, enhances animal habitat and diversity of plant life. Good luck Alaskans, the life sciences professors that taught the global climate hoax are the ones now guiding policy in government and the Sierra Club, and the radical environmentalists have got their stooges in the 9th Circuit to enforce it.

I understand LWD and a few other forestry acronyms... I also have seen 30-year-old clearcuts that have NO reprod of any kind. The slash is hardly rotting away. The biodiversity runs mighty thin in the aftermath of a Sitka spruce monoculture clearcuut.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.