I was the DOS Operating System guru at the local community college. I'd been teaching the course for about 4 years. My divorce was going to be final in mid-november. The quarter started Nov 1. The first night, I saw a nice looking chick making cow eyes at me. She laughed at all my jokes. When it came time to go home, she managed to hop on the same elevator and by the time it'd gone 4 floors, she'd told me her whole life story.

Fast forward to the night before the midterm. Said chick comes up to me before class. She has a serious problem and needs to talk to me. I figure she's trying to weasel out of the midterm, but I'm willing to listen. The two of us adjourned to the snack bar after class.

"I can't eat. I can't sleep. All I can do is think of you. " she blurts out as soon as we sit down.

Much later I'm retelling my boss, the dean, the story.

". . . what did you say?"

"I said, quick trying to suck up. You need to take the midterm." I answered.

"Good for you." he replied. This fellow became my hunting buddy for the past decade, the most honorable SuperCore. "So what are you going to do?"

"Don't you think I should at least wait until the end of the quarter to date her?" I asked.

"Suit yourself," he said. "I'd just go for it."


"You say she's gorgeous?" he asked. "Find out if she wants to take my COBOL class next quarter.

We met for coffee around Christmas. I mentioned that I was having a New Years Party.

15 minutes to Midnight on New Year's Eve, she showed up at my door with all her worldly possessions. She's never left. That was 1996. This is how I met honorable #2 wife, KYHillChick. She's a whole month older than me, so I tell her I was just helpless coyote bait


Last edited by shaman; 11/21/19.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer