Just a quick tip.
James makes a point, over about 12# and your bird gets too thick.
It will not cook properly.

That too say,
You can not substitute a big chicken for a turkey and deep fry it.
In-laws raise big roasters, they brought one over and i fried it.
Beautiful when I pulled it out, nice and golden brown.
And raw as, (I'm being clean here, won't say it) it was raw inside.
We popped it in the oven to finish, and it was delicious. But not
for that days supper. Lucky, we always cook extra,and a bit.

There is a reason that fryers are called fryers.
Someday, I want to try frying whole fryers. Might work.
But, they cost more than cut up cluck. So I would have to
pay too much, to possibly screw up supper.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!