Originally Posted by Hastings
She would get a lot of vote that Hillary didn't get and all that she did get.

I wouldn't bet the farm on that line of thinking...A lot's changed since 2016....IMHO, the lunacy, lies and lock step partisan voting along party lines is gonna come back big time and bite democrats squarely on the ass in 2020....she may come across as moderate, but it's a given that she would support EVERY radical piece of legislation that crossed her desk....same with every GD democrat in the country.....I have no idea where these "polls" get their data (maybe college campuses?) But there's no way the republicans and president aren't picking up massive support from not only the registered independents but moderate democrat voters as well....the lies being spewed by democrats and the MSM are something you'd expect to see in an episode of "The Twilight Zone".....and most of America ain't buying it....