Originally Posted by flintlocke
Mr Sitka deer, I am willing to be schooled on the success of our military and/or CIA interventions, regime changes, or outright meddling since WW II. From my viewpoint they have been disasters for us, in blood and treasure, and disasters for the people in the countries we intended to "help''. We have a military presence in 80 countries, last count. Why? You can call me a peacenik, but I believe we should have the strongest military in the world, but use it sparingly, no more loved ones names on a marble wall in DC, no more gold star moms, squandering lives fighting wars in which the final goal remains undefined. Sending our best to war should require: clear and present danger to out homeland (notice I didn't use the phrase, US interests), a clearly stated mission and objective, NO rules of engagement, overwhelming force, and clearly defined victory and exit strategy (no more occupations).

I wish I had written this. I believe our troubles began with the Spanish-American war and we've been on the road to national and moral bankruptcy ever since.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."