If you need that many rounds to put down an animal, you should be asking different questions.
Did you ever stop and think maybe some people hunt critters other than big game? Have you ever called coyotes, ya know, where there could be 3, 4, 5, 6 or more show up on one stand? Have you ever walked further than a couple hundred yards from the truck while hunting coyotes. You know, where you might call a single or a double on one stand, then walk a half mile and repeat, and then walk another half mile and repeat, and so on?

Obviously not. Some of us get out where we may shoot 10 or more rounds before getting back to the truck.

If that makes me gay, so be it. Those that think it's gay are invited to come and keep up....

Laws aren't preventative measures. In other words, more laws won't prevent gun crime from happening.