Deserves the Medal of Honor Posthumous…NOW.

This was a planned and video taped Act of War against the U.S.A. by military officers of a foreign country.

The only acceptable response is a Declaration of War against said foreign country, and a complete destruction of their society. Anything less is TREASON.

Rename a Carrier USS Joshua Watson, and let it lead the fleet that will steam from our shores, so the whole world can watch it for days and know what is about to happen. Let the planes flying from the USS Joshua Watson’s deck carry the first bombs to be dropped to annihilate said country into dust, and may the whole fleet steam home high in the water after emptying all of their ordinance on said country.

I pray this man, Ensign Joshua Kaleb Watson and all others before him, did not die in vein without our military finding the will and strength to act, either with or without orders, to defend the country and uphold their oaths.

You defended your country Ensign Joshua Kaleb Watson.

It is time your country defend you posthumous.

May you rest in peace sir.

1 – Rifle shot.

2 – Rifle shot.

3 - Rifle shot.

4 – Rifle shot.

5 – Rifle shot.

6 – Rifle shot.

7 – Rifle shot.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)