I applied about a year ago for one of the 8,000 1911's released by the Army to the Civilian Marksmanship Program, and was assigned a number that was too high to be assured of getting one of these pistols. However, 3 weeks ago I received an email from CMP, telling me that a gun was available to me if I wanted it. Apparently there were enough people with lower numbers who either had application packets that were defective, or who declined to purchase a gun.

I opted to buy a Service Grade pistol ( the highest grade that does not go to auction) for $1,050.00. The other two grades are $100.00 and $200.00 cheaper, respectively.

I had left my main home in Michigan and arrived at my winter home in Arizona before the gun could arrive, and it was impossible to change the FFL in my packet without quite a bit of red tape, so the gun will be waiting for me when I return to Michigan in late April. The FFL dealer texted me the photo, and it looks like a pretty nice 1911. I'm looking forward to meeting it.

Sorry, I simply cannot figure out how to attach the photo from the gallery I created to this post. I have had a devil of a time attaching pictures to Campfire posts since Photobucket died. But you can see it by clicking the link below if you wish.


Last edited by wildhobbybobby; 12/10/19.

Life is like a purple antelope on a field of tuna fish...